Aeration Tower DF WA
Aeration Tower DF WA is a pressureless device used for water aeration and degasification equipped with the injection air-water mixing system. The device may be also used as a reactor. The tower structure enables using it both, in indoor and outdoor conditions.

Water is supplied to the lower part of tower, where from it is transferred to the upper part, where injection air-water mixer is assembled. Then, the air-water mixture is transferred to the cascade-splash grate where it is intensively sprayed. Naturally aerated and degasified water is collected in the reactor, where compounds oxidation and degasification processes are continued. The natural water aeration is supported by the extraction fans assembled on the tower top. In order to limit suspension sedimentation the device bottom is equipped with grate loosening the sediment. The water level is adjusted regarding the hydrostatic, conductometric or floating probes indications.

- Water aeration injector.
- Internal piping.
- Exhaust fans supporting water aeration/degasification process.
- Pneumatic sediment loosening system. - Reactor chamber adjustable to water individual chemical and physical parameters [option].
- Hydrostatic/conductometric/floating probes water level measuring [option].
- Power supply-control panel [option].
- Winter package enabling outdoor installation of the device (option).
- Material: stainless steel. Other materials may be used on demand.

Product features
- Air-water mixing injector.
- Cascade-splash grates system.
- Outlet water aeration grade 8-11mgO2/dm3.
- Iron, manganese, ammonium ion and other compounds oxidation.
- Highly efficient [more than the pressure aeration] removal of aggressive CO2 and hydrogen sulphide.
- Low maintenance costs.
- PZH (National Institute of Hygiene) certificate.

en_25_Aeration_Tower.pdf - AERATION Towers
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